<xslt:stylesheet xmlns:xslt="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">

The Template for the Root-Node

This template generates the basic XHTML elements, i.e. html, head, title, body. It places the contents of the source XML within the XHTML-body by applying the appropriate templates.

<xslt:template match="/">
<html xmlns="...html">
Hello World XSLT
<xslt:template xmlns:xsltdoc="http://www.linkwerk.com/namespaces/2005-02-03/xsltdoc/" match="someElement">

Template for someElement

The processing of elements of type someElement is very sopisticated. Let us first take a look at the template code:

<xslt:template xmlns:xsltdoc="http://www.linkwerk.com/namespaces/2005-02-03/xsltdoc/" match="someElement">

As you can see the key for understanding this complex template is the XPath expression in the match attribute.

Much more documentation of this highly fascinating template goes here...
