<!-- ====================================================
xml2html.xslt, (c) 2005 Linkwerk.com, Stefan Mintert, All rights reserved.
Check http://www.linkwerk.com/pub/xml/xml2html/ for legal information.
In no case may this copyright notice be removed.
This XSLT stylesheet converts an input XML instance to HTML.
Known issues:
- Handling of namespaces is experimental. May not work properly.
. Do not use more than one ns prefix for one ns.
. Namespaces in the XPath data model are "visible"
only where they are used, not where they are declared.
- Empty elements are written as starttag/endtag, not as empty element tag.
- Whitespace is not preserved, but normalized. This may be a problem
depending on the semantics of some element types.
- Everything that is not accessible with XPath is dropped, i.e.
DOCTYPE declaration, XML declaration.
- The ampersand is not escaped. Therefore the character referenced
by a character entity is written, instead of the entity itself.
$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2006/10/19 11:47:31 $
<!-- The following elements have no meaning to the XSLT enginge.
Their purpose is to test this program. Run it with itself as
the input XML instance -->